Contest Information
Judging Contest

Judging Contest
A committee of judges shall select and place all classes and listen to all reasons. At Regional Classics, the Judging Contest shall consist of a minimum of four classes. At the National Classic, the Judging Contest shall consist of a minimum of five classes. Performance data will be used at the officials’ discretion.
Reasons and question sets will be required at Regional and National Classics. Requirements for each age division are as follows:
Regional Classics
- Juniors: 1 set of reasons and 1 set of questions
- Seniors: 2 sets of reasons and 1 set of questions
National Classic
- Juniors: 1 Oral Reasons element option and 1 set of questions
- Option 1: Participate in an Oral Reasons workshop.
- Option 2: Give reasons as scheduled. Reasons takers cannot issue scores below 30 points.
- Intermediates: 1 set of reasons and 1 set of questions
- Seniors: 2 sets of reasons and 1 set of questions
One or more of the placings classes will be designated by the judges as an oral reasons/questions class. Conferring between other contestants, parents, and/or advisers is strictly prohibited during the judging contest.
Time Allotted: Contestants will be allowed 12 minutes to place each class. There will be a two-minute time warning in each class to signal contestants it is time to hand in their cards to their group leader.
Materials: Contestants must provide their own note-taking materials.
Scoring: Each Judging Contest class, including questions and reasons, will be worth a maximum of 50 points. Any unmarked class will be scored as a zero. Similarly, any class with multiple placing markings will be scored as a zero. Marked cards/scantrons will not be returned to contestants once they have been turned in to a group leader or contest official.
Dress: There is no required dress for this contest, however, jackets, caps, or other apparel identifying an individual’s

Additional Resouces
More free online mock judging classes
University of Missouri Extension article by Dr. Jerry Lipsey with information on the steps to becoming successful at livestock judging